NEW Winch 25 Double
Now with Cable for power and Cat5

DMX Motion Equipment for Stage

We are the leading company in producing DMX motors, creating beautiful motion effects for stages around the world. You can control our products via DMX automation and create a modern and dynamic stage design moving your props around singularly or in groups. Our products are perfect for entertainment lighting companies looking for developing, creative and professional solutions for their stage lighting designs. There are several ways in which you can make your stage props come alive. Take a look at our portfolio, where you find several examples of how our products have contributed to creating amazing effects for many different types of shows, and types of lamps, props, video screens and more. Get inspiration on how our products can contribute into making your next stage lighting concepts succeed beautifully

You are also always welcome to contact us, if you have questions or need advice regarding how to reach next step of your stage design og light design. With our products you can achieve any motion effect you want and everything can be automated by DMX.


Wahlberg Winches for Kinetic Lights & Other Effects

Our range of products gives a lot of opportunities in making different effects for your stage. You can use our DMX Winches to extend your stage lights and surprise the audience by creating kinetic light effects. Take a look at the case Drake Boy Meets World Tour 2016/2017. The touring company used the Winch 1, to create a beautiful DMX kinetic lights setup. Additionally, Renault used our Winch 10 Cable for their stand at the huge motor show in Frankfurt back in 2015. Read more about this here. These are just examples of how our products have been applied in the past to create kinetic lights. It is possible to model any stage design and create a wide range of different effects by mounting your stage objects to the Wahlberg DMX controlled products.

Our range of winches makes it possible to achieve spectacular show designs with your stage props moving in and out of the stage sphere. The application of our winches is easy and any motion effect you want to achieve can be made directly from the lighting desk via DMX control. We have winches covering loads from 1 kg, and all the way up to 50 kilos both for electrical and non-electrical equipment. This way you can easily motorize the stage lights or other stage elements that you want to develop an effect for. We have experience in working with many different projects, only your imagination sets the limit.

Wahlberg Motion Design – Here to Help

With the expereicne of working more than 25 years in the entertainment industry, we have a wide knowledge of bringing automation into all typs of projects and settings. Wheter it concerns the small stage production or the large-scale tour, art installation or trade fair, we have the competences to support our clients through all phases of the project.  We know what it takes to make stage props and lights work together for dramatic, shocking, stunning or neutral set-ups, and we are always available to discuss the questions you might encounter in the process.  

If you have ideas for a project, we are always interested in hearing about them and guide you towards the specific products from Wahlberg Motion Design that will help you realize your goals.  
We are based in Denmark, however we are in daily contact with customers and clients from all over the world. Our range of products secures a high level of flexibility and they have been implemented around the globe at nightclubs, festivals, trade fairs and for TV productions, film settings, theaters and touring bands. So, whether you want movement of your stage props up and down, sideways or circularly, we can provide innovative and flexible products that will make your setting lively and energetic with fully automated effects.


Dragon Quest Live

Creativity, Flexibility & Easy Handling

The advantage, you get from using our products is a strong flexibility which opens for a wide range of creative possibilities in using the products. You can mount almost any stage product, onto the Wahlberg products.  The products are also very easy to handle, thus supporting the lighting designers, production crew on busy and tightly scheduled projects. All the Wahlberg products are DMX controlled – so you can add them to your lighting desk. We are continuously researching and developing new products to fit your needs and new trends and demands in the industry.  We work closely with production companies and lighting designers seeking to create the best DMX stage lighting equipment.

The heart and soul of the company is, and always have been, creativity. By combining our creative minds with engineering and technical skills we can make solutions to almost any idea coming from our customers. We are always open to new projects and we do our best to accommodate your plans and visions for special effects in upcoming set design.


Award-winning set ups

Throughout the years we have worked on projects with different stage and lighting designers to create amazing shows around the globe. Many of these projects have also resulted in awarded. The Dragonfly nightclub in Jakarta was awarded ‘Best Nightlife Venue’ by Mondo DR Magazine in 2017, serving as an example of a successful co-production.

In order to achieve great results, close collaboration is important for us. That way we can also provide best-in-class advice, so you are sure to get the best equipment for the solution you are going to install.

DMX Stage and Lighting Automation

Our products are all controlled via DMX, and this way automate all effects on stage. Every motion is controlled at your preferred lighting desk, and therefore easily integrated with other elements of the existing show. By automating your set design with our DMX controlled products, the motion and light effects become smoother both in terms of controlling as well as visual effects. The equipment can furthermore be programmed and queued, so the special effects are easily integrated and adapted to the setup of which it is intended to be included.

Our strong experience in the industry has given us the opportunity to take on projects outside our products range. We have a dedicated team that develops new ideas and products with solutions fitting your plans. Do not hesitate to contact us with ideas for upcoming projects. We are always open to discuss opportunities with you.

Wahlberg Winches for The Spine 2012
Wahlberg Winches DMX equipment

A Trip Down Memory Lane

It all started with a tiny robot workshop in downtown Aarhus, where electronics and mechanics fused with bare metal into art installations. Motors and devices and special effect items were developed to meet the requirements from concert halls, theatres and other stage venues using stage lighting equipment and design. Our first product, the DMX Projector Shutter was (and still is) very popular among our customers. Its simplicity, usability and innovative design makes it an effecient tool to shut off lights from the video projector easily controlled from the lighting desk via DMX.

The product range at Wahlberg Motion Design steadily began to grow following the positive feedback from our clients. Today we support almost every aspect of the area of automotion items for stage. Our products are highly flexible and can be used for any type of stage and setting, you are designing. Controlling the products are easily done via DMX on the lighting desk.

At Wahlberg Motion Design we still design and manufacture all our products in Aarhus, Denmark. The portfolio of products has been included in a wide range of projects and as mentioned we are also able to take on projects outside the range. Besides our Projector Shutter, some of the popular products are our Winch 10Track Runner and Roll Downs.

Our products serve a wide range of options and possibilities and you can use the products to raise curtains, lamps, props and much more. With the Track Runner you can move lights or props across the stage fast and with high precision. Our Roll Down can extend fabric for screens on which you can project video content, information and graphic design in a stylish manner. It is easy to setup and install, and the products are designed to make set up and handling and operation easy for technicians, light designers and artistic designers all over the world.  

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