Silent Night X-mas show 2015, Germany
Wahlberg DMX Winches presentation.
Fuse Media, Germany produced and created the lighting and movements for this show - using winches from Wahlberg Motion Design:
- Winch 25 for the screen of gaze used for both video projection and rear lighting illumination
- Winch 10 Cable for moving the factory lamps.
The screen was also used as a means of hiding the artists midway through the show and and thus there was a need for a very smooth and accurate system that could make it happen.
Wahlberg winches presentation
Watch the video and get a very good impression of how the Wahlberg Motion Design products can make several things happen on stage in a smooth, easily controlled way.
Wahlberg Motion Design is a creative company devoted to the creation, innovation and design of products to create automatic DMX effects of stage props and lights.