Impressive rotating frames at Opéra de Lille


4 x DMX Rotators with Power Outlet were put into use in the famous piece "Don Giovanni" at Opéra de Lille in France. Each rotator was connected to a steel tube, suspending a 2x2,5m frame. Each frame worked as a canvas, where small projectors attached to the frame, projected visuals to create the ambient scenery.

The frames were also see-through, and combined with the rotational movement, it gave a visual depth to the scenery.


The client needed to run a DMX connection and power through these tubes, and with the DMX Rotator with Power Outlet having 4 conductors in the rotation shaft, it gave them the solution they needed.


(Watch the video above of the rotating frames.)



Director: Emmanuelle Haïm

Staging: Guy Cassiers

Scenography: Tim Van Steenbergen, Clémence

Costume: Tim Van Steenbergen, Annamaria Rizza

Light Design: Fabiana Piccioli 


(Photos by Simon Gosselin. Video by le collectif Des Routes) Opéra de Lille



Wahlberg Motion Design is a creative company devoted to the creation, innovation and design of products to create automatic DMX effects of stage props and lights.


Read more about Wahlberg Motion Design here

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