Featured Product:

Remote Controlled Platform, Standard Wheels with 1,4 meter x 1,4 meter Main Plate


Presenting the huge 1,4 meter x 1,4 meter RC-Platform Main Plate!

Our Remote Controlled Platforms come in different sizes, and this is definitely one of the cooler ones. The large plate easily fits 8 Wahlberg employees, as you can see in the video above where we construct a "special" test.

The Remote Controlled Platform is one of our many interesting products. The platform's simple and modular design makes it easy to customize the dimensions of the plate. Whether there is a need for a small plate or a huge plate. Bigger offroad wheels can be mounted aswell as stronger motors for more hardcore tasks.

The Remote Controlled Platform makes it possible to make nearly every object you could think of drivable, whether it's a table, a fridge, a playhouse, a plant, or a person... the list is endless. The components can also be put directly onto the object that needs to be remotely controlled.

For example, this shopping cart and custom-made ship below:



Check out the video above of the 8-person test, or head on over to the product here.


Wahlberg Motion Design is a creative company devoted to the creation, innovation and design of products to create automatic DMX effects of stage props and lights.


Read more about Wahlberg Motion Design here

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